सीधे मुख्य सामग्री पर जाएं

The moment of death or the possibility of death is the most intense experience in most people's lives.

Religion. The moment of death or the possibility of death is the most intense experience in most people's lives. Most of them never feel that level of intensity in their lifetime. In their love, in their laughter, in their joy, in their joy, in their sorrow .. there is no intensity in any situation.
For this reason, Shiva sits in the crematorium or kayant and sits and waits. 'Kaya' means 'body' and 'end'
Means 'to end'. Kayant means: where the body ends, not where life ends. If you only know your body in your life, then the moment you leave the body, that moment becomes the most intense moment in your life. If you know something beyond your body, leaving the body is not very important. For anyone who has recognized who he is, and what he is, there is not that big a moment. That is just another moment in life, that's all. But those who have lived life only as a gross body - when they have to leave everything as a body, then that moment is very intense.

If you become a creature, not just a body, if you become a living being, not just a living body, then immortality will be a natural state for you.
Why Bholenath is consumed by his body, read secrets
Immortality is a natural state for everyone. Iniquity is a mistake. This is a wrong understanding about life. The metamorphosis of the gross body will surely come. But if you become a creature, not just a body, if you become a living being, not just a living body - then immortality will be a natural state for you. Whether you are mortal or immortal, it depends only on your understanding; No change in existence is needed for this.

For this reason, the attainment of knowledge is seen as self-realization - not as an achievement. If you can see it, it is available to you. If you cannot see it, it is not available to you. This thing is only experienced, it does not require any basic, existential change. If you use not only your senses, but also your wisdom; So you not only know the body, but also the living being - and you are naturally immortal, eternal. You don't have to try to attain immortality, you just need to understand it.
So Shiva made the crematorium his camp. 'Sham' means 'dead body'
More than 'Shan'
Means 'sleeping' or 'bed'. Where bodies are lying, they live there because they knew that working with living people is a waste of time. You cannot take people to the extent of intensity that is necessary. A lot of tricks have to be done to make them a little more intense.
There has been more awareness and intelligence in our lives, this is the time to increase the desire to become infinite by just suppressing the feeling of living. The intensity does not arise because you have given the most importance to the feeling of living. There are two basic desires in this body. One is the feeling of being alive, the other is the desire to become infinite. If you reinforce the feeling of survival, then the pace of life slows down. Because survival means walking safely without risk. If you make the desire to be infinite strong, if you want unlimited expansion; And if all your energy is on it, then there will be full intensity in your life.
When Bhasmasura got Shiva's boon
The feeling of being alive is dominant in every other organism. By becoming a human being, deciding the stages of development, more awareness and intelligence has come in our lives, this is the time to increase the desire to become infinite only by suppressing the feeling of living. One of these two forces always tries to increase the intensity in you and the other always tries to make you sluggish. Rare resources may need to be saved, but the life element is not scarce.
Shiva gets bored of you and your play and sits in the crematorium, he gets bored because there is an extremely stupid drama going on everywhere. The real thing only happens in the crematorium. Perhaps only real experiences occur at birth and death. Maternity home and crematorium are the two appropriate places, although the incidence of birth is happening a bit more nowadays.
Shiva is sitting in a place where life is most meaningful. But if you are scared, if you are thinking of staying alive i.e. self-defense, then you will not understand this. If you want to expand and touch the extreme, then only you will be able to understand this. He is not interested in those who want to survive. To survive, all you need is four hands and feet and a few active cells of the brain. Whether it is earthworm, grasshopper or some other organism. They are all running their lives, well. You just need that much brains to stay alive. So if you are walking on a life-saving mode, if you have a strong sense of self-defense, then you get bored of them, they are waiting for you to die.
They wait in the crematorium so that the body is destroyed, because until the body is destroyed, the people around do not even understand what death is.
He is considered a destroyer, not because he wants to destroy you. They wait in the crematorium so that the body is destroyed, because until the body is destroyed, the people around do not even understand what death is.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

हमारा भोजन कैसा हो

भोजन का एकमात्र उद्देश्य भुख मिटाना ही नहीं है उसका मुख्य उद्देशआरोग एवं स्वास्थ्य ही हैं जिस भोजन में भूख को तो मिटा दिया किंतु स्वास्थ्य पर बुरा प्रभाव डाला वह भोजन उपयुक्त भोजन नहीं माना जाएगा उपयुक्त भोजन वही है जिससे स्वास्थ्य की वृद्धि हो विटामिनों की दृष्टि हरे शाक तथा फल आदी ही स्वास्थ्य  के लिए आवश्यक है इसके अतिरिक्त नमक आवश्यक तत्व भी फलो तथा शाको मे पाया जाता है अनाज के छिलकों में भी यह तत्व वर्तमान रहता है किंतु अझानवश मनुष्य अनाजों को पीसकर यह तत्व नष्ट कर देते हैं कहना न होगा कि प्रकृति किस रूप में फलों और अनाजों को पैदा और पकाया करती है उसी रूप में ही वे मनुष्य के वास्तविक आहार है।

करोड़पति कैसे बने

करोड़पति कैसे बने करोड़पति बनने के लिए निम्नलिखित कुछ महत्वपूर्ण चरणों का पालन किया जा सकता है: उच्च लक्ष्य निर्धारित करें: एक करोड़पति बनने का पहला कदम है अपने लक्ष्य को साफ़ करना। आपको एक निश्चित मानसिक और आर्थिक लक्ष्य तय करना होगा कि आप कितने समय में एक करोड़पति बनना चाहते हैं और आप किस तरह से इसकी प्राप्ति करेंगे। आर्थिक योजना बनाएं: एक व्यापार की आरंभिक योजना तैयार करें जिसमें आप अपनी आर्थिक स्थिति को सुधारने के लिए आवश्यक कदम निर्धारित करें। यह योजना आपके आर्थिक लक्ष्य के अनुसार सवालों का समाधान करने के लिए बनाई जानी चाहिए, जैसे कि कैसे आप निवेश करेंगे, कैसे बचत करेंगे, कैसे आय का उपयोग करेंगे और कैसे आप अपने नकद और आपूर्ति व्यवस्था को प्रबंधित करेंगे। निवेश करें: निवेश एक महत्वपूर्ण चरण है जो आपको आर्थिक सम्पदा का निर्माण करने में मदद कर सकता है। आपको समय के साथ धीरे-धीरे अपनी निवेश पोर्टफोलियो को विस्तारित करना चाहिए, जिसमें शेयरों, म्यूचुअल फंड्स, निवेशी सम्पत्ति, और आपूर्ति व्यवस्था शामिल हो सकती है। यहां भी ध्यान दें कि निवेश करने से पहले वित्तीय सलाह लेना महत्वपूर्ण...

ऐसा कौन सा पौधा है जो जहरीले सांप के जहर को भी कुछ ही देर में उतार देता हैं।

ऐसा कौन सा पौधा है जो जहरीले सांप के जहर को भी कुछ ही देर में उतार देता हैं। वैसे तो हर कोई इंसान सांप के काटने के बाद घबराने लगता है और उसकी जल्दी ही मृत्यु हो जाती है लेकिन दोस्तों क्या आप जानते भी है की कंटोला नाम का एक ऐसा पौधा है के जिसको सांप के काटे हुए स्थान पर लगाने से उसका जहर उतर जाता है या कम हो जाता है। आपको बतादें की कंटोला का पौधा दो प्रकार का होता है एक हो जिसमें फल और फूल दोनों लगते हैं और एक और जिसमें केवल फूल आते हैं। दोस्तों आपको बतादें की यदि इस फल को घिसकर आप सांप द्वारा कांटे हुए स्थान पर लगाते हैं तो इससे सांप का जहर कम होता है और यह सांप के जहर को शरीर में फैलने से रोकता है। तो यदि हम इस समय में किसी डॉक्टर या वैद्य के पास नही है तो हमारी जान बच सकती है। अतः हमे सांप के काटने के बाद घबराना नही चाहिए और इलाज के बार मे सोचना चाहिए ताकि हमारी जान बच सके।